The information in the following brief focuses on how to employ properly structured cash value in a Whole Life policy to maximize various opportunities that you might face over your accumulation, distribution, and legacy phases of life.
For reference, my firm encounters folks who already own whole life insurance but don’t fully consider how their policy may provide an advantage when making various financial maneuvers, this is unfortunate. The information in this brief is not intended as an introduction to Whole Life Insurance, and it takes for granted several key understandings you might not have if this is your first glance into whole life insurance.
This is not a beginner’s guide and some terminology or depictions might confuse those who don’t have an introductory understanding of Whole Life Insurance. If this is you, we invite you to check out our other resources and reference material on the subject to gain a larger understanding of this uniquely designed financial product.
Here is a FREE DOWNLOAD to this brief in exchange for your information. We would love to have a conversation with you to learn if this is an appropriate strategy for you to implement.
The opinions expressed in the Blog are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry. Please consult your certified financial advisor.